Pictured are 3 nurses taking care of a newborn.
Pictured are 3 nurses taking care of a newborn.

Women's Health Temporarily Closed

RMCHCS understands the healthcare needs of women and takes a personal interest in preventative health care throughout their lifetime. The Women's Health Unit is adequately staffed and poised to take excellent care of all women in the community who needs our services.

Labor & Delivery

RMCHCS Labor and Delivery unit provides a home-like atmosphere with up-to-date technology so expectant moms will feel comfortable and safe. Highly skilled and certified nurses provide the expertise in prenatal and infant care needed to ensure that new moms and their babies are in good health and will thrive together.

Postpartum Care

Following delivery, new moms are moved to the postpartum section in Women's Health, which is staffed by an excellent team of trained postpartum nurses.


RMCHCS encourages breastfeeding. Experienced lactation consultants understand that breastfeeding is a new and sometimes challenging experience for mom and baby. During their hospital stay, new moms work with trained postpartum nurses and certified lactation specialists help make sure they are comfortable and confident with breastfeeding their newborn. Breastfeeding moms are encouraged to have baby in the room with them to allow that special bond to flourish.

Childbirth Education Classes

Temporarily Closed

Childbirth Education classes are offered to help families prepare for childbirth and are offered on Saturdays once a month throughout the year. The class is four-hours long and is designed to be completed in one day. To register, call the Women's Health Unit at 505-863-7026.